Program Tools

Program components include:

  • Training courses
  • Seminars and workshops
  • Field trips and site visits
  • Brainstorming sessions and interactive learning.

Innovative Engineers Curriculum for Building Kuwait’s Future

The curriculum includes 4 different modules:

  • MODUL A-Foundation Courses (4 days)

  • Organisational Behavior: Communication Skills and Leadership (2 days)
  • Business Environment, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2 days)

  • MODUL B-Professional Courses: Management (4 days)

  • Finance, Investment and Finance Models for Engineers (2 days) (2 days)
  • New Trends in the World Economics, International Trade and Marketing (2 days)

  • MODUL C-Professional and Technical Courses (4 days)

  • Project Planning and Change Management (2 days)
  • Quality Engineering and Management (2 days)

  • MODUL D-Global Issues (4 days)

  • Women Empowerment, Philanthropy and CSR (2 days)
  • Corporate Sustainability and Global Warming (2 days)

Assessment Tools

Upon the completion of the training the participants will receive a certificate of completion and best performers will be awarded.
The best performers will be selected based on and not only limited to following criteria:

  • The attendance record and commitment to the program;
  • The quality of the submitted materials be required such as progress reports, final reports, etc.
  • The verbal presentations;
  • Evaluations by the advisors;
  • Peer review.

If the student is not committed to the program and miss more than 20 hours of training without a valid excuse, all the applicable regulations will be followed. Accordingly the student may not be allowed to complete the program and may be denied from grsnting the certificate of completion.